C. Edward Watson, Ph.D.

is Vice President for Digital Innovation with the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) and formerly Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Georgia. Dr. Watson is nationally recognized for expertise in general education best practice and reform, evidence-based teaching and learning practices, as a futurist for higher education. He is also an expert in artificial intelligence in higher education, faculty development, open education resources, ePortfolios, and digital equity.

Upcoming Book: Teaching with AI

Teaching with AI

Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to A New Era of Human Learning: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we learn, work, and think. Its integration into classrooms and workplaces is already underway, impacting and challenging ideas about creativity, authorship, and education. In this groundbreaking and practical guide, teachers will discover how to harness and manage AI as a powerful teaching tool. This book presents emerging and powerful research on the seismic changes AI is already creating in schools and the workplace, providing invaluable insights into what AI can accomplish in the classroom and beyond.

Through this book, educators will gain the confidence to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by AI. From interactive learning techniques to advanced assignment and assessment strategies, this comprehensive guide offers practical suggestions for integrating AI effectively into teaching and learning environments. In the age of AI, critical thinking skills, information literacy, and a liberal arts education are more important than ever. As AI continues to reshape the nature of work and human thinking, educators can equip students with the skills they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. This book serves as a compass, guiding educators through the uncharted territory of AI-powered education and the future of teaching and learning.

News: Recent and Upcoming

Recent and Upcoming

Upcoming speaking engagements; interviews and quotes; and selected book information can be found here.

Selected Invited Keynotes

Often invited to college and universities as well as national conferences to speak on a range of higher education teaching and learning topics. A selected list of recent and upcoming speaking engagements for Dr. Watson can be found here.

In the News

Recently quoted in the New York Times, the Chronicle of Higher Education, CNN, NPR, Campus Technology, EdTech, Diverse, EdSurge (1 and 2), Consumer Reports, UK Financial Times, and University Business Magazine regarding current issues in higher education. He has also appeared on the Teaching in Higher Education podcast and featured in Toggle Magazine.


Below are highlights of my professional work, activities, and interests.


An overview of my professional accomplishments and activities can be found here, including current projects with the American Association of Colleges and Universities.

Consulting / Speaking

I am often invited to campuses to assist with a range of challenges, projects, and goals associated with student success, teaching and learning, and higher education organization.

Teaching / Research

Teaching is my passion, and it is reflected in my accomplishments and my research interests, which include instruction’s impact on student success and the future of higher education.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Feel free to reach out via e-mail at watson (at) aacu (dot) org !

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